Tire Reminders for Inside the shop

Although the sting of all the previous issues that caused this document to be created has diminished, I still have a remainder pop up on my calendar in early spring and fall to help my staff remember what’s important as we come into the busier tire season. I have not changed it since it was originally created, although I might make it a softer approach, if recreating it today. None the less, it has made a difference, and we will continue to use it for the foreseeable future.

Link –Tire Mounting sheet2 winter summer switch032019

Link – tire accountability for posting

Tire Mounting sheet2 winter summer switch032019  tire accountability signed

Tech Shortage Worsens

This article supports the need to look after the staff we already have. What the article didn’t mention is the average age of the current technicians. Many techs are approaching retirement age and so are the business owners. It will be difficult to replace them when they do. I wonder what the impact on wages will be in the future?



YouTube Resources

Recently I had the opportunity to work with my senior tech on a specific issue on a diesel truck. It became clear to me that we were not using all the resources available to us, and i consider us better then most at digging up targeted repair information.
I do my best to help folks with critical thinking skills, vs just jumping in and looking for the answer for them. I decided to create a You Tube lookup tool for my staff, that might help them with specific issues and opportunities. I wanted it to show them how much information is out there from professional technicians and automotive service sources. I also wanted them to have a “google like” search experience available to them, when using the tool.
Youtube Lookup 080320 is what i came up with. You do not need any excel experience to use the tool. I included a link to an instruction video in the linked excel sheet. If you can open the sheet and click on a link, you can use this tool.
If all you do is open the sheet and tell yourself it is just another eye chart, then you will certainly miss out on the value. If you watch the four minute video at the link in the spread sheet, you will begin to understand that this is a resource that takes 2-3 minutes of time(or less) to figure out if it will help you in your current challenge.
There is a wealth of information here, most videos 15 minutes or less, many 5 minutes or less, but maybe only seconds, to figure out if their is a video applicable to your need.
Hard to imagine that somewhere in the 4-500 hours of recorded video, each and every one of us can’t find value.
I hope you do.
Randy Lucyk
Midas Kalkaska
P.S.  Do not assume that because you are an excel user/guru that you will see the value without watching the video. If you are not thoroughly familiar with the use of auto filters and text filters, you will miss the value. That’s where the “google like” search experience really shines.