ZipRecruiter is an online employment marketplace.  Powered by industry-leading AI matching technology, we've connected millions of business and job seekers through innovative mobile, email alerts and partnerships with the best job boards on the web.  

Leverage ZipRecruiter's job search platform, #1 rated jobs search app, and network of hundreds of partner sites to reach 30M qualified candidates a month. When you post a job on ZipRecruiter, we instantly send it to 100+ of the web’s leading job boards. No more filling out forms with the same job description over and over. We’ll save you considerable time and effort, while reaching the most qualified candidates where they look for jobs.

The instant your job posts, our powerful matching technology actively searches thousands of resumes, identifies the best matches for the job, and invites them to apply. No more waiting or qualified people to find you. You get candidates with the right skills and experience.

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