AutoZone is a leading retailer of automotive parts and accessories with more than 5,500 stores throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, Brazil, and Mexico. AutoZone carries an extensive line for cars, sport utility vehicles, vans and light trucks, including new and remanufactured hard parts, maintenance items and accessories. In addition, AutoZone's ALLDATA is the leading provider of diagnostic, repair , mobile and estimating information to the professional automotive service industry.

Current Promotions
AutoZone offers 100% labor if any of their , AC Kits, Fuel pumps, Ride Control and rotating electric parts if they should fail. Please do not forget that their Duralast Brake Bundle deal is $69.99 when you purchase our Duralast pads with a pair of Duralast Rotors. These deals will not appear this way in your shop management systems but will calculate the discounted price once the ticket is submitted. We also back this Midas approved Duralast friction with the industry’s leading noise free 100% labor guarantee. Transitions ordered on line are eligible for a 2% rebate to be added to your 2% quarterly rebate. That’s a 4% rebate!

IMDA Members are also eligible for discounts on ALLDATA products. ALLDATA is the industry’s #1 choice for unedited mechanical OEM repair information, diagnostic tools, shop management software, and support services, trusted by more than 400,000 technicians in over 115,000 shops worldwide. Did you know that you can earn an additional 2% rebates for orders that are placed online? You can activate AutoZone’s parts catalog into your RO Writer system easily. This would add to your 2% business allowance, totaling 4%. Additional 2% rebate with agreement with multi-roof top groups. Login for contact information.

National Account Reps - National account field
Some of the topics they can help with include but not limited to:

  • Training workshops
  • Stogner Rebate potential
  • WOW customer service
  • Customer Events / Weekend events
  • Analytical intel to maximize sales and profit